
Something harder than basics I guess.

Feels boring with normal guns? Ok I will show you how to make unique guns and make the game funnier!

1. Gun's Effects

1.1. How to add a new effects?

Effects can be added through 'special' section of any gun

For example:

    can-pierce: <false/true>
    effect: <replaceme>
    hit-sound: <replaceme>
    droppable: <false/true>
    can-knockback: <false/true>
    - '<replaceme>'

1.2. How to build an effect?

You can easily build a new effect by using this format


1. Effect's event

Every effect required an event to make it work. Available event: ON_HIT, ON_SHOOT, ON_HOLDING.

2.1. Effect's type

Every effect required effect's type to work. Available type: STATUS_EFFECT, POTION_EFFECT.

2.2. Special type

  1. INCREASE_DAMAGE (Can only be used in ON_HIT event) Requirements: addtional type, amplifier Type for "INCREASE_DAMAGE" available: DISTANCE Example: ON_HIT:INCREASE_DAMAGE:DISTANCE:2 Explain: On bullet hit, damage will be increase by 2% per block

3. Effect's target

Every effect required a target too. Available target: SELF, ENEMY (especially for ON_HIT event).

4. Type's requirements


It required a status and duration Available status: FIRE Example: ON_HIT:STATUS_EFFECT:ENEMY:FIRE:5 Explain: It will ignite the enemy 5 seconds on bullet hit.


It required potion effect type, duration (in ticks), amplifier, ambient (true/false), and particles (true/false) Available potion effect type: For 1.8.8: here Example: ON_HIT:POTION_EFFECT:SELF:SPEED:20:1:false:false Explain: You will gain SPEED II for 20 ticks (1 sec) with no ambient and no particles on bullet hit.

The seventh argument is ambient while the eighth is particles

You cannot skip any effect's argument or that effect will not work!

1.3. Example

If you think the guild above is quite hard to understand? I will provide you some example:

You want a gun that will slowdown when holding:
You want a gun that the farther the bullet flies, the less damage it does:

Step 1: Set the gun damage to the maximum damage this gun can deal

damage: 20

Step 2: Add this effect


By doing so, if you shoot an enemy 5 blocks away, the damage will be reduced by 45%. And the damage now is 11. If the enemy is so far away and if the damage reduction value exceeds 100%, the damage will be set to 0.

2. Gun's particle

Advance particles include: REDSTONE, BLOCK_CRACK, BLOCK_DUST, ITEM_CRACK (all of them were added since BETA-1.0.4!)

These particles require a new option called: particles-option (You can add it below 'particles'!)

2.1. Options for REDSTONE

Normally you only need 4 argument split by " " to make it work! Format: 'false <R> <G> <B>' But if you set the first argument to 'true', it require 7: Format: 'true <R1> <G1> <B1> <R2> <G2> <B2>' (Use this if you need transitional particles!)

You can go to this site for RGB color


Format: '<MATERIAL> <DATA>'

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